Ermanno Bencivenga
The Tèchne
"Who is the philosopher, which is his identity? He is one that has just stories to offer, with no guarantees as to the stories having a sense, but he is also one that serenely accepts his role of timeless storyteller as he knows that this role is a precious one".
He was able to interpret in a new and sensible way the social role of philosophers in our times. He is an intellectual, poem writer, teacher and even editorialist. He firmly believes philosophy is a practice and not just a set of contents that brings along a series of questions for those who are in search of many, countless answers. A man capable of making creation coexist with action without renouncing to the tension of presence.
Ermanno Bencivenga was born in Reggio Calabria, then moved to Milan where he graduated in Philosophy at the Statale University in 1972. In 1977 he wa awarded a PhD in Philosophy at the University of Toronto and in the same year he decided to move permanently in the United States. He also received a job offer in Italy but chose the USA for "a mere moral judgment" (as he defined it): he did not approve of the way the Italian University is run. On the other hand he also admits that "Italian students are the best students I know" and that is why he held classes and lessons in several Italian universities, like Milan, Bologna, Siena and Trento. This year he also taught at the Political Sciences Faculty of the "University Luiss Guido Carli" University in Rome. From 1979 he is professor of Philosophy at the Irvine University in California. He also held lectures at foreign universities like Pittsburgh, Salzburg and the Rice University in Houston. Over the years its fields of research have dealt with formal logic, history of philosophy, ethics and political philosophy. Ever since he was a student he admired Kant and Freud. Kant remained his main source of inspiration to which he dedicated several writings, in particular "L'Etica di Kant: la razionalita del Bene" (2010) [The ethics of Kant: rationality of Good], in which he further researched on the concept of Ethics and on the logical and relational basis of Good. His ideal philosophy is a public one, in which everyone can participate, and a philosophy that deals with the key problems of the human condition. An endless opportunity of discovering and discovering again, finding spaces for the differences that always represent a resource and an opportunity for growth. In addition to teaching, Bencivenga is also an author, who has written 38 books in 3 different languages included three collections of poems and he has been the founder and director of "Topoi", international philosophy magazine published by Spinger. He also collaborates with several national newspapers including La Stampa.