The statistics on the environment, armed conflicts, economic and health crises of recent decades make it undeniably clear that we are experiencing a global emergency. How can we rethink our economic systems and what can we do to change direction?
We can invest in mankind- the most advanced and sustainable technology that exists. We must all learn to give a new inner response to the world in order to be able to carry out sustainable and useful daily actions for ourselves and others. The instrument required for this is self-awareness and the future of humanity and our planet depends on it.

Creator and Chair of 21 Minutes
Mentor, influencer and founder of the International School of Self-Awareness, Patrizio has been involved in the field of personal development for over thirty years. Through the Human Inner Design program and the International School of Self-Awareness, he proposes original experiential training methods validated by neuroscientific research and collaborations with international scientists, institutes and universities, including La Sapienza in Rome, the Bar Ilan University in Tel Aviv and the CNR. Patrizio is the creator and chair of 21minutes Awareness, a multimedia platform and annual conference in which he guides Nobel Prize winners, scientists, artists and entrepreneurs in the challenge of sharing the values that inspire their lives.
In 21 Minutes, knowledge is organized according to a well-defined path, represented by Patrizio Paoletti's PH.A.S.E. paradigm. Philosophy, Art, Science and Economics is the path of cerebral, psycho-emotional and intellectual development that the human species has followed since its appearance on earth. Our species has become what it is today thanks to acquiring new abilities that have produced a new vision. This in turn was the result of asking ourselves the question, “Why all of this?" The important questions we ask about life demonstrate our love for knowledge and serve as a tool for building awareness, just as a pillar supports a bridge.
So everything starts from the question - Philosophy - which represents the search for a higher knowledge than what we had before. The answer to this philosophical question brings us a new vision and asks us to be part of what we see and to influence what we see, leaving a mark: this is art. Art is techné and allows us to move from this new knowledge that we have acquired towards its sustainable verification: this is science. Today we need Science, not alarmism, not confusion and not conjectures. We need science and the verification of what we have asked of ourselves and what we have discovered about ourselves and others around us.
Finally, we must find that attitude of life which Gregory Bateson has called an “ecology of the mind” or, as Patrizio Paoletti calls it, an “Economy of the mind”. This allows us to be sustainable,
because we are able to coexist so that this world can become aware of the need for peace.

The 21 MINUTES Blog