Giulio Giorello
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“Philosophy hides right in the folds of science.”
He is used to taking very clear-cut, yet lucid and brave, stances. In the Italian cultural scene he stands out for his attitude and openness towards a true dialogue on “sense”. This attitude he nourishes in several disciplinary areas, not necessarily with the Academia, but with whoever is capable of engaging is such dialogue. This existential attitude is also a way to approach philosophical and scientific issues.
Giulio Giorello was born in Milan in 1945. He graduated in Philosophy in 1968 and Mathematics in 1971. Today he is professor of Philosophy of Science at Milan’s Università degli Studi. He was the President of the Italian Society of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and taught Geometry at the Department of Engineering of the University of Pavia and Complementary mathematics at the Science department of the University of Catania; he held courses in History of the scientific thought and Philosophy of science and the Natural Science department at The University of Insubria and Milan’s Polytechnic. At Milan’s Raffaello Cortina he is head of the Scienza e Idee series. He is a columnist for Corriere della Sera. Among his publications: Prometeo, Ulisse, Gilgamesh. Figure del mito, Raffaello Cortina, 2004; Di nessuna Chiesa. La libertà del laico, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2005; Lussuria. La passione della conoscenza, il Mulino, Bologna 2010; Senza Dio. Del buon uso dell’ateismo, Longanesi, Milano 2010; with D. Gillies, La filosofia della scienza del XX secolo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1996; with Umberto Veronesi La libertà della vita, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2006; with Pier Luigi Gaspa La scienza tra le nuvole. Da Pippo Newton a Mr Fantastic, Raffaello Cortina, 2007; with Dario Antiseri Libertà. Un manifesto per credenti e non credenti, Bompiani, Milano 2008; with S. Morini, Harsanyi, Luiss University Press, Roma 2008; with Edoardo Boncinelli Lo scimmione intelligente, Rizzoli, Milano 2009; with Carlo Maria Martini Ricerca e carità, San Raffaele Editore, Milano 2010. He is also the author of the essays Il fuoco fatuo di Hobbes and il chiaro labirinto di Spinoza. «Fare filosofia con la geometria», C. Bartocci, P. Odifreddi, La matematica. Volume III: Suoni, forme e parole, a cura di C. Bartocci, P. Odifreddi, Einaudi, Torino 2010. With Marco Mondadori he edited the Italian edition of J.S. Mill’s On liberty, il Saggiatore, Milano 1981 (and the following reprints). His researches were aimed at first on the issues of history and philosophy of mathematics; then he analyzed the models of conceptual change in science; he devoted his work to the connection between growth of knowledge, critical attitude and free society. More specifically, he devoted particular care to the autonomy of research in all fields: not only in science, but also in ethics and in the very religious experience. There is only on boundary to experimenting new lifestyles: the absence of damages caused to others.