Gianni Bernardi
La Curiosità
"By confronting ourselves with what is infinitely great we can find our place, our role and perhaps also our purpose."
The problem of plastic pollution in our oceans seems to be insurmountable. The question that Gianni Bernardi brings us is: how can we transform such an impacting problem on the environment into an opportunity? It's not enough to recycle. It's not enough to move this material that is impossible to destroy completely, from one place to another. How can we look at a new horizon? The Atlantide project not only aims at building an entire city with plastic, but also a new social model, based on the interrelation of the best knowledge. The Atlantide project presents an expandable model for a new humanity.
Gianni Bernardi is an astronomer and is currently a researcher at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Italy. He studies the evolution of the universe using mainly astronomical radio observations. In his field of research, he investigates how the mutual relationship between the infinitely great and ourselves can be applied to every area of life. Forty-four years old, married with two children, he graduated in Astronomy at the University of Bologna and later met the Pedagogy for the Third Millennium codified by Patrizio Paoletti. From then on, the two experiences have intersected until today. His research experience in astrophysics continued at the Department of Astronomy at the University of Groningen, Holland, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in the United States and at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory. He is now a researcher at the National Institute of Astrophysics. He studies the evo-lution of the Universe using mainly astronomical radio observations. He is committed to a global approach to life, where the infinitely great can be related to ourselves - and vice versa - and he investigates how this relationship can be applied to every area of life. His first experience as a speaker of 21minutes was in 2014.