Federico Rampini
The Depth
“Today, it seems that the prophecy “When China wakes up the world will tremble” will be fulfilled. In addition to material well-being, many are enjoying liberties unheard of before.”
An attentive explorer. A reporter that does not just stay in the countries he works in but rather lives in and through the contexts he is sent to stay in. An author that published more than twenty essays in which he tells stories. Stories of journeys through modern world countries and through their economic, political and social changes. A brilliant intellectual, capable of telling and describing continents through locations, cities through cultures and major political events through small gestures.
Federico Rampini was born in Genoa in 1956. An author and journalist, a disciple of the sociologist Raymond Aron and the Economist Mario Monti, he soon demonstrated his free thinker nature. He began his career as a journalist in 1977 working for Città Futura, the weekly magazine of FGCI (Italian Federation of Young Communists). Two years later he started collaborating with Rinascita, the Italian Communist Party's magazine of political affairs and culture, that he would later be forced to resign from following his inquiry about internal corruption in the party.
From 1986 to 1991 he worked as an editor for L’Espresso and for Mondo Economico. After working as a correspondent from Paris and reporter from different countries in Europe for Sole 24 Ore he became deputy director of the same newspaper from 1991 to 1995. Later on he led the Milan office of La Repubblica up to 1997. He has an amazing career of foreign correspondent and reporter. Over the years he worked in Brussels, San Francisco and Beijing.He is also a teacher and holds seminars in the best Universities of the world.
A passionate writer, Rampini is also a shrewd observer, a professional capable of truthfully telling and describing the countries he lived in with an intelligent and lucid style. China, India, Kosovo, USA, these are just some of the realities portrayed in his books. All these countries, though very different one from each other, are undergoing deep transformation and facing major turning points. But the protagonists of Rampini's works are the emerging social phenomena, the elements capable of putting new challenges ahead of us and continually redesigning our horizons. It is these protagonists that give us a new, always original view on the world from behind the lines. All of this is especially true of his latest works: San Francisco-Milano. Un italiano nell'altra America (San Francisco-Milan. An Italian in the other America) (2011); Occidente estremo. Il nostro futuro tra l'ascesa dell'impero cinese e il declino della potenza americana (Extreme East. Our future between the rise of the Chinese Empire and the Decline of the American Superpower) (2010) and Slow economy. Rinascere con saggezza (Slow economy. A rebirth in wisdom) (2010).
As a journalist he won several key awards: the Luigi Barziniaward in 2005 and Saint Vincent award in 2006. From 2009 he is back in the USA as a reporter from La Repubblica.