Dec 20, 20213 min read
A linguist and neuroscientist, his idea is that grammars are nothing but variations to a single language model. Given the often-superficial use of the language, it is crucial to invest in better care far words, and their ability to produce changes and development. His research starts from the assumption that in spite of the apparent differences, all grammars are nothing but variations to a single biologically determined complex model.
Andrea Moro (Pavia, 1962) is professor of Generai Linguistics at the Scuola Superiore Universitaria IUSS of Pavia; he is also in charge of the Human Science course and ordinary course coordinator. Already full professor of Generai Linguistics at the Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele and associate professor at the University of Bologna, he was several times visiting scientist at the MIT and Harvard University. He is a graduate in classical literature in Pavia, a Fulbright scholar and got his PhD in linguistics at the Consorzio di Padova as well as the "Diplome d'études supérieures en théorie de la syntaxe et syntaxe comparative" at the University of Geneva.
Ha is a founding member of the Department of Cognitive Science at Milan's Fondazione "San Raffaele" (1993), member of the collegial body at the department of psychology and philosophy at the same university, and far two mandates was president of the inter-department degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. He held courses and seminars in several universities in Italy and abroad, including the Scuola Normale di Pisa, Harvard University and the MIT.
His field of study is mainly theoretical syntax (sentence structure, expletives, unaccusativity, locality and syntactic movement), the relation between semantics and syntax (predication, existential sentences, definiteness effect, quasi-copular sentences) and neurolinguistics (with specific focus on the relation between syntax and the brain). He published several papers in international journals, including Nature Neuroscience and Linguistic Inquiry. Among his titles: The raising of predicates, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997; Dynamic Antisymmetry, The MIT press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000, I confini di Babele, Longanesi, Milano, 2006 (Eng. Transi. The boundaries of Babel, MIT Press 2008/2010), Breve storia del verbo essere, Adelphi, Milano, 2010, Parlo dunque sono, Adelphi, Milano (to be published).