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Michele Boldrin

The Trend

"Innovation is possible without intellectual monopoly."

He is among the most prominent economie growth theory experts worldwide. Even though the subject he delves into is progress in terms of macroeconomics, he does so with a very down-to-earth and reader-friendly style. He is the author of a non-conformist and provocative dissertation: our future development will be possible only once we will get rid of the intellectual monopoly. This type of protectionism, choking today's creativity and innovation, is the real threat to our prosperity.


Michele Boldrin was born in Padua in 1956 and lived in Mestre between the age of ten and twenty-seven. He graduated in Economics in 1982 at the Ca' Foscari university of Venice. He flew to New York for his PhD in Economics at the University of Rochester, which he successfully completed in 1987. He is fellow of the Econometrie Society, of the Society for the Advancement of Economie Theory and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economie Policy Research in London.
His research focuses on the theory and application of the generai balance dynamic models, which he uses to study growth and economie cycles, securities assessment, welfare systems, technology progress, labour market, intellectual property systems and international commerce. He taught at the University of Chicago {1986-87). University of California, Los Angeles {1987-90). J.L.Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University {1990-94). Carlos III de Madrid {1994-99) and University of Minnesota ( 1999-2006). Since fall 2006 he has been professor at Saint Louis' Washington University, where he is also head of the Economics department and researcher with the Federai Reserve Bank.
In Spain he is coordinator of the Fundaci6n Espafiola de Economia Aplicada and organiser of the Salamanca Socia! Science Festival. He was member of the group which in the '80 gave !ife to the economics programme at the Santa Fe Institute.
He contributed to the editoria! position of severa! international journals, including Econometrica, Review of Economie Dynamics and the International Economie Review. He is author of numerous scientific articles issued in the major international academic publications; we is resident journalist of Il Fatto and Linkiesta, but also the Wall Street Journal, El Pais, Washington Post and ABC. Together with other Italian economists who expatriated to the United States, he founded a politica! economy blog called noiseFromAmerika. Over the years he published the following titles: Against Intellectual Monopoly (2008, Italian translation 2012 for Laterza) and Tremanti: Istruzioni per il disuso (2010).


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