Dec 20, 20213 min read
"Defending human beings, their dignity and their rights inevitably means
defending the Earth. And defending the Earth is defending humanity."
Straightfarward, resolute and ambitious, convinced that environment is a public good. An environmental lawyer and human right activist that dedicates all of her farces to support democracy and improve the environment. Her aim is to promote a broad, serious, participative and strongly rooted in human rights agenda. A woman that just doesn't sit there but shrugs off criticism and keeps fighting through her battle.
Romina Picolotti graduated magna cum laude in Law at the Cordoba University in Argentina and specialised in lnternational Law with a Master's Degree at the American University in USA. Ever since the early days of her career she facused on human rights issues and pushed the reach of her work outside the borders of her homeland. She worked with international and multilateral bodies like UN and OEA (Organizaciones de los Estados Americanos) and in 1995 she was member of an international team sent to Cambodia to restare the integrity of the judicial system after a long time of unpunished legal abuses. Her activism, however, is deeply rooted in her homeland and in her family history: her grandfather was imprisoned under the last dictatorship in Argentina and her father tao was a lawyer and a well known human rights advocate. In 1999, when she was just 28, she faunded in Cordoba the "Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente" (CEDHA). an NGO whose aim is to build a more harmonious relationship between the environment and the people. One of the priorities of the Centre is to help victims of human rights violations (especially those caused by environmental degradation or non-sustainable management of natural resources).
Her ability to bring environmental issues close to social ones and thus increasing participation and access to information won her the Sophie Prize far environment in 2006, which rewarded Romina's work far representing and defending in court the Argentinian communities damaged by the building of two paper mills near the Uruguay river. The lawyer has won another prize as well, the Peter Ciccino prize (2002) far outstanding contributions to international public interest of Nicaraguan aboriginal populations living on the Atlantic coast and overpowered by private enterprises. She was Minister far the Environment in Argentina in two different governments, from July 2006 to December 2008. She is also author of severa! written works where she deeply researches the connections between human rights and natural environment.